Imani’s Story


I am a nursing student from New York City who volunteered at PRM in summer 2013 for a month. A month seemed like a lot to me at first but during my stay I realized a month was not nearly enough.

I came to PRM because my future goals were to be a pediatrician in Jamaica. I have to say I am so grateful that PRM gave me this opportunity. My experience was wonderful from the beginning to the end. The homeless shelter and Jamaica itself became my second home. I was welcomed as soon as I got there and it then became a place where I can feel comfortable.

Helping out where needed meant so much to me, but I was always wishing I could do so much more.  The clients and staff always showed their appreciation for the help I contributed to the shelter. I learned so much being at the shelter from different people. The main thing I learned was that when loving one another and working together, a happier and more organized place forms. I would like to thank PRM from the bottom of my heart for my wonderful experience, it was one of the best and I will definitely come back again to continue this great experience.

-Imani Liddie


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